What dogs teach us about life and consciousness

Exploring the philosophical lessons from our canine companions.

Illustration by Iveta Vaicule
Illustration by Iveta Vaicule

By Novanka Laras and Adelina Indah

The Word of Dog: What Our Canine Companions Can Teach Us About Living a Good Life, by Mark Rowlands

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In 1799, German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher described the Edenic innocence of the human preconscious state. He saw it as a time when humans felt deeply connected to the infinite world, free from the duality of subject and object. However, consciousness cleaved humanity from this unity, leaving only a vague memory of what life once was.

For dogs, such separation appears irrelevant. Their boundless enthusiasm and immediate engagement with life—whether chasing a squirrel for the hundredth time or simply greeting their human companions—seem untouched by the complexities of human self-awareness. This stark contrast is the foundation of Mark Rowlands’s book, The Word of Dog: What Our Canine Companions Can Teach Us About Living a Good Life.

Rowlands, a philosopher and author, uses deeply personal anecdotes about his German Shepherd, Shadow, and other dogs to explore philosophical questions about consciousness, freedom, and what it means to live well. Through their instinctive joy, dogs offer insights into the very challenges humans face in their pursuit of happiness.

“Dogs are natural philosophers,” Rowlands writes. “They know through living.” Their unrestrained happiness and wholehearted commitment to their actions provide answers to traditional philosophical problems. Unlike humans, dogs embody a simplicity of purpose that frees them from existential angst.

Rowlands connects this canine perspective to the existentialist tradition, drawing heavily on the works of Immanuel Kant and Jean-Paul Sartre. For Sartre, human freedom is fraught with anguish. In Being and Nothingness, Sartre argues that human decisions lack a solid foundation, leaving individuals in a state of existential uncertainty. Rowlands interprets this as a lack of true agency.

Dogs, on the other hand, experience freedom as an extension of their being. A dog chasing its tail or fetching a ball does so with a sense of purpose rooted in its nature. This freedom, Rowlands suggests, contrasts sharply with the human tendency toward self-doubt and overthinking.

Rowlands’s observations highlight a fundamental difference between human and canine experiences of life. While humans struggle with the weight of self-awareness, dogs embrace the present moment. This dichotomy raises questions about whether humans can ever achieve the same unfiltered joy.

Drawing from personal stories, Rowlands illustrates how dogs live authentically, unburdened by the complexities of reflection and regret. They embody a unity of action and purpose that humans can only glimpse in fleeting moments.

Though Rowlands does not consider himself a religious believer, his writing is rich with biblical imagery. He frequently references the Garden of Eden, comparing the innocence of dogs to a prelapsarian state. Dogs, he writes, allow him to glimpse a time before humanity's fall from grace—a period of unbroken unity and joy.

This imagery invites deeper reflection on the intersection of philosophy and theology. Schleiermacher, Sartre, and even Catholic philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre have all explored the human struggle to find meaning in a fractured existence. MacIntyre, for instance, argues that meaning can be found in the “internal goods” of everyday practices, such as playing chess or fetching a ball.

Rowlands’s reluctance to fully engage with the theological dimensions of human consciousness leaves an open question: Can the joy of dogs point us toward a life imbued with deeper meaning, or does it merely highlight our existential limitations?

For Rowlands, the answer lies in love. Dogs, through their actions and relationships, demonstrate a form of love that is pure and unconditional. This love, he argues, is the cornerstone of a meaningful life.

However, the very consciousness that defines humanity often stands in the way of such love. Unlike dogs, humans are prone to overanalyzing and second-guessing their emotions and decisions. This disconnect can make it difficult to live authentically, as dogs do.

Rowlands suggests that embracing the simplicity of canine joy may offer a path toward greater fulfillment. By focusing on the present moment and committing wholeheartedly to our actions, humans can learn to love more deeply and live more meaningfully.

Despite these lessons, Rowlands acknowledges the inherent tragedy of the human condition. While dogs illustrate the possibility of a joyful and purposeful existence, humans may never fully achieve it. Consciousness, with all its complexities, remains both a blessing and a curse.

This tension underscores the central theme of The Word of Dog: the struggle to reconcile human self-awareness with the desire for a simpler, more fulfilling life. Dogs, in their unselfconscious existence, remind us of what we have lost—but also what we might regain through love and connection.

Rowlands’s exploration of the human-dog relationship offers profound insights into the nature of happiness, freedom, and love. Dogs, by living authentically and joyfully, provide a mirror through which we can examine our own lives.

While the human condition may prevent us from fully experiencing the world as dogs do, their example serves as a guide to living with greater purpose and authenticity. By embracing the lessons of our canine companions, we can strive to create a good life that honors both our humanity and our capacity for love.

Ultimately, Rowlands’s book challenges readers to see dogs not just as pets but as philosophers in their own right—beings whose lives hold valuable lessons for navigating the complexities of human existence. Through their joy, loyalty, and love, dogs offer a vision of a life well-lived, even in the face of our own limitations.

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